Where Did Reiki Come From

Where Did Reiki Come From? Reiki is an ancient Tibetan system of energy healing that was re-discovered in the late 1800s by a Japanese man, Dr. Mikao Usui, whose life…

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Adrenal Fatigue Video

  More Detailed Info Adrenal Fatigue Adrenal Fatigue Infographic

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Adrenal Fatigue Infographic

Adrenal Fatigue Symtoms & Causes Impacts of Fatigue Fatigue is regarded as having an impact on work performance. Need for sleep between midnight and 6 am, and between 1-3 pm….

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What Are Binaural Beats And How Do That Work

Introduction Have you ever heard of binaural beats and wondered what they were? Binaural beats are a type of sound wave technology used to help people relax and meditate. They…

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Three Causes of Emotional Eating Image

Three Causes of Emotional Eating and How to Overcome Them

Emotional eating is a very real problem in the world today. If not addressed in the early stages, it can lead to much more serious eating disorders such as binge-eating…

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Hormones and Hunger Cravings Leptitox Review

Introduction: One of the same reasons most people struggle with weight loss is because they’re invariably dueling their hormones and hunger cravings. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is…

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The Benefits of Avocado

The more you get to know about avocado the more you’ll realize it’s a true super food. Plus, it’s full of healthy fat from a whole food source, they taste…

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The Art Of Aromatherapy

The art of aromatherapy uses plants and the oils from plants to help alter the mood, mental, emotional and physical health of humans and even animals. If you are just…

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Turmeric – The Golden Spice

Turmeric, the golden spice, Indian saffron, curcumin is an amazing vibrant yellow spice that is full of flavor. It has a mild aroma mixed with hints of orange and ginger…

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Versatility of Lemons

I am sure in these modern times many of us have heard the word scurvy from time to time, most likely in history books or in the occasional pirate movie….

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The Wonders of Water

WHY WATER IS AN IMPORTANT WORLD RESOURCE After air, without which we cannot survive for more than a few minutes, water is our second most essential natural resource. Our planet…

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The Basics of Healthy Nutrition

DISCLAIMER: Before beginning any new exercise or nutrition program, consult your physician. Particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, elderly or have any chronic or recurring conditions. The information within is…

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Relaxation and Meditation Tips

WHY YOU SHOULD WORRY WHAT STRESS AND ANXIETY ARE DOING TO YOUR HEALTH Life is full of situations that have you reacting by becoming stressed out. Modern life is filled…

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Power Walking

POWER WALKING – PICKING UP THE PACE You’re probably wondering what Power Walking is, and what is different from just regular old walking. Well, for one, with Power Walking you…

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Plant-Based Diet Tips

When you start a new diet it’s easy to get off track if you are not prepared. These tips will help you get ready for your new plant based diet,…

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Natural Ways to Burn Fat Fast

Burning fat naturally isn’t hard if you know what to do. There are three things that help, getting enough rest, eating right, and moving more. It sounds like the same…

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Muscle Building

BODYBUILDING – WHY IS IT SO POPULAR There seems to be a craze with bodybuilding right now, everyone men and women included are trying to shape and sculpt their bodies…

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Low Carb Living

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one-third of the adult American population is obese. What’s worse is that children are suffering more than ever from…

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Living With Osteoporosis

An Overview of Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is often referred to as a silent disease. This is because you normally aren’t aware of it until after you break a bone. By this…

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Heart Health and Cholesterol

One of the biggest factors in determining risk for heart disease is high blood cholesterol levels. Thankfully, you can affect a lot of change on those numbers if you know…

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