Look Good To Feel Good

Whether we like it or not, the way you look can define your feelings about ourselves and even about the environment we live in. When you’re not happy it can…

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The Healthiest Foods You Can Eat

If everyone were to just eat fruits and vegetables instead of fast food and junk food, people could easily avoid obesity. Becoming overweight can accelerate aging even faster than smoking,…

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Types of Yoga for Seniors

As you age, everything naturally slows down. Your metabolism slows down which can lead to weight gain. Your mental focus isn’t as sharp and depression can start to set in….

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Work Life Balance

With how productive people are required to be today, it can be difficult to know what is important, and how to take care of everything you have to, and still…

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The Importance of Controlling Your Anger

Anger is a useful emotion and can help you in your life when it is used for a constructive purpose. Uncontrolled anger is when you have outbursts and hurt the…

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Self Defense For Women

Run! Seriously, just run! When faced with an attacker, at any time or in any place, the world’s most primitive response is the often quoted “fight or flight”. It’s a…

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Jogging Strollers

Even parents who don’t jog love their jogging strollers. Why? They are made for durability, moving smoothly on most surfaces, and most of them fold up and are easy to…

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Adrenal Fatigue Video

  More Detailed Info Adrenal Fatigue Adrenal Fatigue Infographic

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Adrenal Fatigue Infographic

Adrenal Fatigue Symtoms & Causes Impacts of Fatigue Fatigue is regarded as having an impact on work performance. Need for sleep between midnight and 6 am, and between 1-3 pm….

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Hormones and Hunger Cravings Leptitox Review

Introduction: One of the same reasons most people struggle with weight loss is because they’re invariably dueling their hormones and hunger cravings. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is…

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The Art Of Aromatherapy

The art of aromatherapy uses plants and the oils from plants to help alter the mood, mental, emotional and physical health of humans and even animals. If you are just…

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Relaxation and Meditation Tips

WHY YOU SHOULD WORRY WHAT STRESS AND ANXIETY ARE DOING TO YOUR HEALTH Life is full of situations that have you reacting by becoming stressed out. Modern life is filled…

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Power Walking

POWER WALKING – PICKING UP THE PACE You’re probably wondering what Power Walking is, and what is different from just regular old walking. Well, for one, with Power Walking you…

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Muscle Building

BODYBUILDING – WHY IS IT SO POPULAR There seems to be a craze with bodybuilding right now, everyone men and women included are trying to shape and sculpt their bodies…

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Heart Health and Cholesterol

One of the biggest factors in determining risk for heart disease is high blood cholesterol levels. Thankfully, you can affect a lot of change on those numbers if you know…

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Getting Started With Exercise

DISCLAIMER: Before beginning any new exercise or nutrition program, consult your physician. Particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, elderly or have any chronic or recurring conditions. The information within is…

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Get Up and Move Stepping Outside

It’s easy to get into a rut and realize that you haven’t walked more than 300 steps a day for years, much less enjoyed the outdoors very often. If you’re…

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Garcinia Cambogia

Due to the rise in obesity in North America and around the world being able to manage your weight has become increasingly important. People are developing cardiovascular issues sooner in…

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Connection Between Sleep and Productivity

A RESTED MIND NEEDS MORE THAN A GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEP We are able to concentrate and focus when our minds are rested. This means more than just getting a good…

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Back Therapy – Tips for Dealing & Living with Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common health problems experienced among people. Eight out of ten people will experience back pain some time in their life. It is estimated,…

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