Look Good To Feel Good

Whether we like it or not, the way you look can define your feelings about ourselves and even about the environment we live in. When you’re not happy it can…

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The Healthiest Foods You Can Eat

If everyone were to just eat fruits and vegetables instead of fast food and junk food, people could easily avoid obesity. Becoming overweight can accelerate aging even faster than smoking,…

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Boost Your Weight Loss Efforts

When we first begin our weight loss journey we are full of motivation and desire. Many times though this disappears quickly. This is normally because the pounds aren’t being shed…

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Types of Yoga for Seniors

As you age, everything naturally slows down. Your metabolism slows down which can lead to weight gain. Your mental focus isn’t as sharp and depression can start to set in….

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Work Life Balance

With how productive people are required to be today, it can be difficult to know what is important, and how to take care of everything you have to, and still…

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Type 2 Diabetes: How To Live With It

There are two types of diabetes. Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 is caused by genetics and is something that you’re essentially born with, or develops due to illnesses…

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The Importance of Controlling Your Anger

Anger is a useful emotion and can help you in your life when it is used for a constructive purpose. Uncontrolled anger is when you have outbursts and hurt the…

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Self Defense For Women

Run! Seriously, just run! When faced with an attacker, at any time or in any place, the world’s most primitive response is the often quoted “fight or flight”. It’s a…

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Poison Ivy Rash

Did you know that 7 out of 10 people are allergic to poison ivy and that you can still contract poison ivy during the winter? Dealing with a poison ivy…

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Many people joke about perfectionism and say things like, “I am just a perfectionist, I can’t stand getting a less than perfect score on tests.” And many people look at…

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What is Leaky Gut

Leaky Gut is basically an increase in intestinal permeability, meaning that the walls of the intestines allow substances to escape or leak through into the bloodstream. From a medical standpoint,…

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Healthy Food Swaps

As the end of the year approaches, you might be thinking about getting healthy. Studies have shown that while losing weight and improving your health is one of the most…

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Why Sugar Is Not Good For You

White sugar, or sucrose, is a highly refined and bleached product from sugar cane and sugar beets. Sucrose is glucose that is bonded to fructose in the refining process that…

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Where Did Reiki Come From

Where Did Reiki Come From? Reiki is an ancient Tibetan system of energy healing that was re-discovered in the late 1800s by a Japanese man, Dr. Mikao Usui, whose life…

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What Are Binaural Beats And How Do That Work

Introduction Have you ever heard of binaural beats and wondered what they were? Binaural beats are a type of sound wave technology used to help people relax and meditate. They…

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Three Causes of Emotional Eating Image

Three Causes of Emotional Eating and How to Overcome Them

Emotional eating is a very real problem in the world today. If not addressed in the early stages, it can lead to much more serious eating disorders such as binge-eating…

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Hormones and Hunger Cravings Leptitox Review

Introduction: One of the same reasons most people struggle with weight loss is because they’re invariably dueling their hormones and hunger cravings. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is…

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The Benefits of Avocado

The more you get to know about avocado the more you’ll realize it’s a true super food. Plus, it’s full of healthy fat from a whole food source, they taste…

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The Art Of Aromatherapy

The art of aromatherapy uses plants and the oils from plants to help alter the mood, mental, emotional and physical health of humans and even animals. If you are just…

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Turmeric – The Golden Spice

Turmeric, the golden spice, Indian saffron, curcumin is an amazing vibrant yellow spice that is full of flavor. It has a mild aroma mixed with hints of orange and ginger…

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