Healthy Homes

IMPROVING YOUR HOME & HEALTH If your family suffers from allergies, asthma or any other type of health issue you can help improve their symptoms by making changes in your…

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Healing Power of Honey

Bees produce a thick and golden liquid called honey that is highly enjoyed, consumed and used by people around the world. Honey is produced by bees because they use it…

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Green Tea – Taking a Healthy Sip

As humans get more technologically advanced we become more sedentary. The more sedentary we are the worse our health becomes. Technology has made our lives easier but this comes with…

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Gout – What It Is and How to Deal With It

This is a disease that occurs when the buildup of uric acid in your body causes episodes of acute pain. The pain can be in the big toe, the hip,…

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Getting Started With Exercise

DISCLAIMER: Before beginning any new exercise or nutrition program, consult your physician. Particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, elderly or have any chronic or recurring conditions. The information within is…

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Get Up and Move Stepping Outside

It’s easy to get into a rut and realize that you haven’t walked more than 300 steps a day for years, much less enjoyed the outdoors very often. If you’re…

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Garcinia Cambogia

Due to the rise in obesity in North America and around the world being able to manage your weight has become increasingly important. People are developing cardiovascular issues sooner in…

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Foods That Fight Fatigue

Nothing is worse than feeling tired all the time. Most of us work way too hard and it shows. We have jobs, side gigs, family, friends and more, all going…

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Cooking With Herbs

Using herbs in your cooking is a great way to add flavor, enhance the taste of your dishes and, in some cases, using herbs gives your food a lot of…

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Connection Between Sleep and Productivity

A RESTED MIND NEEDS MORE THAN A GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEP We are able to concentrate and focus when our minds are rested. This means more than just getting a good…

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The Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a safe to eat oil that is refined and extracted from the kernel and the meat of fully-grown coconuts harvested from the palm. This oil is widely…

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Brain Health

In many ways, your brain is a lot more important than your physical body. It’s where you live. It’s what makes you, you. If you forget who you are it…

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Back Therapy – Tips for Dealing & Living with Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common health problems experienced among people. Eight out of ten people will experience back pain some time in their life. It is estimated,…

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Anti Aging

WHAT IS ANTI-AGING? Anti-aging isn’t about going backward like Benjamin Button. It’s about slowing down or stopping the aging process. Now, you know you can’t really stop the aging process,…

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Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal fatigue is essentially a disruption of your adrenals caused by the inability of your adrenal glands ability to make cortisol in the amounts your body needs to be healthy…

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Preparing for Your Newborn Baby

Whether you’re having a baby, adopting a baby or becoming a grandparent, there are many things to do in order to get ready for the newborn baby in your life….

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